November 6th 2004. That was the day Ronald found the courage to come to the Turbo AMPATH clinic. He was without hope. His wife had died from HIV and he lacked the strength or resources to care for himself or his children. With nothing left, he and the children were forced to move in with his sister, who was hesitant to have this new burden added to her life.

We see this story many times over — loss of spouse, loss of resources, and eventually loss of hope. But Ronald sought out treatment anyway, and began anti-retroviral treatment.
As the treatment took hold, Ronald started to recover and his health was back under control. But our work was far from done. Ronald was one of the first patients to join the AMPATH Family Preservation Initiative, and gathered a group of 20 other patients to start a passion fruit farm on part of his sister’s land.
Ronald is finally well again. He not only has his health, but also his independence and his sense of hope.