Changes necessitated by measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 have impacted AMPATH’s population health model and created new methods of communication and service delivery.
Read MoreThis week the Kenya Ministry of Health announced expanded testing capacity for COVID-19 across Kenya including at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH).
As of Friday, April 17, there were 246 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the country and 11 people had died as a result of the coronavirus. The Ministry of Health reports that 53 people have recovered.
Read MoreThe Government of Kenya is now requiring everyone to wear a face mask when out in public. Friends of the AMPATH partnership lead several efforts to ensure that those who need face masks have them available.
Read MoreThis week the first case of COVID-19 in Eldoret was confirmed by Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH). The patient is reportedly stable under the care of MTRH and contract tracing is being coordinated with Uasin Gishu County Disease Surveillance Team.
Read MoreOne could tell the story of AMPATH as if it were a seamless path toward success. The Indiana University partnership with our Kenyan colleagues gave birth to a second medical school for Kenya, the Moi University School of Medicine. Those who have followed AMPATH carefully know well that the journey itself has never been “seamless.”
Read MoreConfirmed cases of COVID-19 rose to 122 in Kenya this week as the Government of Kenya enacted new measures to limit community transmission while continuing to prepare the healthcare system to manage an anticipated increase in the number of cases.
Read MoreGlobal health partnerships always face challenges and obstacles. The COVID-19 worldwide pandemic challenges AMPATH in immense ways, but our commitment to partnership is stronger than ever as we meet new opportunities to help resource-limited people in Kenya and around the world.
Read MoreThank you for the concern that many of you have shown for the health and well-being of the people of Kenya, as well as the members of our AMPATH Consortium.
Read MoreYesterday the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported in Kenya. According to the Kenya Ministry of Health, the patient is stable and receiving care at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi. CDC continues to work with the Ministry of Health to support surveillance and prevention activities.
Read MoreMy mum Leah Njeri, who was known as Rachel to most Indiana University/AMPATH folks, was an amazing woman. Everyone probably says that about their mum.
Read MoreThe Astellas Global Health Foundation awarded a $1.35 million grant over three years to AMPATH to provide 400,000 people with access to mental health programming in western Kenya.
Read MoreProfessor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Duke University, Peter Kussin, MD, typically spends four months per year working with the AMPATH partnership in Eldoret, Kenya, caring for some of the sickest patients while training the next generation of Kenyan and North American physicians and doing research focused on strengthening care of non-communicable diseases.
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Adrian Gardner, MD, MPH, becomes the new director of the IU Center for Global Health, executive director of the AMPATH Consortium of North American academic health centers and associate dean for global health at Indiana University School of Medicine on February 1.
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The AMPATH partnership welcomes Stanford University as the newest member of the AMPATH Consortium of North American academic health centers.
The team from Stanford is already building connections with the family medicine team working in Webuye, Kenya, and looking forward to increased faculty and trainee engagement.
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AMPATH welcomes back John Oguda as the managing director for IIGH-Kenya, the Kenyan NGO that supports AMPATH Consortium operations in Kenya. In this role, Oguda has responsibility for planning and directing financial and administrative activities for IIGH-K by managing budgetary, financial, personnel and administrative functions.
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U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Kyle McCarter, his wife Victoria, and representatives from USAID visited Iten County Referral Hospital in Elgeyo Marakwet County, which hosts one of AMPATH's Comprehensive Care Clinics.
Professor Sylvester Kimaiyo is the AMPATH executive director of care programs and the Chief of Party of the USAID-funded AMPATHPlus program. Kimaiyo has been involved in all aspects of AMPATH since its inception.
Read MoreMary Goretti Boroswa was one of AMPATH’s first HIV patients. As her health improved, she became a bicycle racer who dared to put AMPATH and her HIV status on her racing jersey, despite the enormous stigma.
Read MoreDaniel Ochieng was the first HIV+ patient to receive treatment through the partnership that became AMPATH.
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