Buffalo Bicycle Unlocks Community Health Volunteer's Potential

As the world marked World AIDS Day with a clarion call to step up efforts in combating the pandemic, the role of Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in achieving the task was in the limelight.

 CHVs are key in promoting better health outcomes by reaching out to communities with health and disease prevention messages.

Elizabeth on her way to work at Alupe sub-County Hospital

Elizabeth Emogoi is one of the CHVs helping in the fight against HIV by reaching out to affected households with information on adherence to HIV treatment.  

Born in Alupe, Busia County, she aspired to pursue a career in medicine but ended up as a CHV – a career that has earned her great admiration in her community.

She would walk on foot, sensitizing the village folk on HIV prevention and treatment. Gradually, her fame grew and more people requested her volunteer services. On a single day, Elizabeth could cover five to ten kilometers (3-6 miles) on foot while serving her clients.

Though motorized transport was available, the cost was prohibitive for her. 

“I almost gave up,” she recalls. “I often arrived home late and exhausted but had to embark on the job the following day.”

The ‘Buffalo bicycle’ provided by USAID 4TheChild through ADT, came as a big relief. Buffalo bicycles are built for tough roads and carrying large loads.

“It was a gamechanger,” she noted. “I doubled the number of people reached per outing thanks to the Buffalo.”

USAID 4TheChild is implemented by AMPATH partner Moi University College of Health Sciences (MUCHS) in a consortium with Make Me Smile Kenya. In April 2024, MUCHS signed a memorandum of understanding with World Bicycle Relief (WBR) to facilitate increased mobility for orphans and vulnerable children, caregivers, and Community Health Volunteers (CHV) like Elizabeth to enhance access to health and social services. The MoU provides a framework for USAID 4TheChild to buy one bike and get two Buffalo bicycles free. A total of 45 CHVs and Household Economic Strenthening (HES) mobilizers have benefited from these bicycles in Busia County.

newsNewsHIV, community, USAID