Nawiri Recovery and Skills Centre Welcomes First Client
The first recovery home and skills centre in Kenya for men and women with severe mental health disorders welcomed its first clients this month on the grounds of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Eldoret.
The MTRH Nawiri Recovery and Skills Centre, which has a capacity for 16 clients, was built with funding from the Astellas Global Health Foundation (“Foundation”) in partnership with MTRH and Indiana University through AMPATH. Nawiri means “glowing” or “to glow” in Swahili and represents the brighter future that is possible with treatment and support for people with mental health challenges.
In 2019, the Foundation granted AMPATH $1.35 million to provide 400,000 people with access to mental health programming in western Kenya over three years and to build and run the Centre. The home includes four rooms for men and four for women with two beds in each room. A common kitchen and living area is shared by residents who also have access to a skills training center and a shamba (large garden), to acquire agriculture skills. Join us for a tour:

Read more in the Daily Nation.