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Dr. Lukoye Atwol

Dean of the Moi University School of Medicine

Lukoye Atwoli is not only an active leader driving AMPATH forward, but also a nationwide advocate for health in Kenya.

Atwoli was drawn to medicine at an early age after being treated for malaria at Kenyatta National Hospital and discharged with, "an enduring respect for medicine, and the desire to become a doctor and make a difference in people's lives. That has never left me, to this day."

Since 2007, Atwoli has been associated with AMPATH activities in roles at Moi University including a practicing psychiatrist, a teacher, a researcher, and an administrator. In 2013 he became the fifth Dean of Moi University's School of Medicine. He graduated in the fifth class of Moi's School of Medicine, and went on to specialize in trauma and posttraumatic stress disorders with a Master of Medicine from the University of Nairobi and a PhD in Psychiatry from the University of Cape Town

He also considers himself a "medical politician" who advocates for system-wide changes through his involvement in health and research organizations, along with writing a weekly column for Kenya's Sunday Nation.