Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation donates $7M to AMPATH

The Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation awarded $7 million to strengthen program development and establish two endowed chairs at the Indiana University Center for Global Health for its AMPATH initiative in Kenya. The purpose of the gift is to address health care disparities and advance global health research, education, and health care delivery to underserved populations.

The Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation has been a long-time supporter of the AMPATH program, including the donation of $4 million in 2013 to help construct the four-story state-of-the-art Chandaria Cancer and Chronic Diseases Centre on the campus of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret. The center will be a hub for training, research, and chronic disease care and is the largest public facility of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa. Space for training and telemedicine is still being developed; however, last year the doors opened for patient care and research. 

Director of the IU Center for Global Health Robert Einterz, MD, said the Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation’s continuous support demonstrates their belief in AMPATH’s mission to strengthen sustainable health care services in Kenya where access to health care is a daily challenge.

“This new commitment will help us to better serve Kenyan families and continue to expand our initiatives to address the critical needs for primary health care, chronic disease care, and specialty care for the entire population, leaving no one behind,” he said.